Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Support my Blogging Habit

Quick post tonight, I'm tired. See all of those lovely new ads in the left hand column of my blog? Well, I'm not crazy about them but the economy has forced us all to look for extra income. Paid advertising is one way. I've tried to be ethical in my choices, only choosing those products that are kind to the earth.

It's all natural, organic items including Heirloom seeds and clothes and baby stuff made from Bamboo and natural fibers. Doesn't it sound nice? So everytime you order something thru one of those sites, I get a commission. Cool Right? Help support my blogging habit and my family while using natural made products to help our environment. Especially those canvas and cloth bags. Plastic should be outlawed!

And if you love my blog and want to follow it with all the other lovely fans that are posted in the right hand column-that would be great too. If you are a regular reader and haven't signed up to follow my blog please do. Leave me some comments and I'll answer them as best I can. It's all beneficial to our family.

If you've found a lovely frugal, money saving, or homeschooling site that you'd think I'd be interested in-then drop me a line and let me know. I'm always up for an adventure.

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