Thursday, March 5, 2009

Snow Gems and Bird Bagels

So I took my kids to the Pediatrician on Monday. My oldest who is 12, grew 6 1/2 inches in the past year and put on 18 pounds! I was floored. He is just about as tall as me (not a hard goal to reach). I know where all that food went.
No wonder I can't keep my cupboards full.
I managed to go to Job Lot last night. I was so tired that I didn't feel like doing my other errands. I found tons of napkins there. I originally was going to sew my napkins but let's be realistic. I have enough to do. The napkins were all on a clearance rack for 2/$1 so for the price I really couldn't beat it. There are some that I bought that are dish towels but I will cut them in half and just sew up the edges. All in all it was a really good bargain. I have several packages of paper napkins in storage but once they are gone I won't be buying anymore.

Our coop of homeschoolers met today. We made snow gems that we saw on The Crafty Crow (see my craft links).
We filled balloons with water and food color and set them out in the snow to freeze. Don't they look beautiful in the sun?

A whole bunch of beauty chillin on my jacuzzi cover.

We're anxious to see how these turn out. All the kids decided to take theirs home. I hope there were no explosions in the car.

A pretty blue one. Tomorrow we'll peel off the balloons and see what kind of ice sculptures they created. Can't wait.

The kids also made Bagel birdfeeders. We tied string to the bagels like this.

Clover and Camy spread their peanut butter on the bagel...and then lick their fingers for the yumminess afterward.
Romy also made one. And a good plug for Solid K9 Training if anyone is looking for an awesome dog trainer.
Sarah spreading the butter.
Tae holding his creation.
Making sure all the bagel is covered to feed our feathered friends.
Even our moms made some bagel birdfeeders.
The birds will love these.

And my chickens will be very happy with the rest of the bagels that weren't used.


Jessica said...

I just posted on my own blog about our current "Countdown to Cotton!" We have only a few more paper napkins to use & then we'll move on to our stockpile of cotton, too!

Garden State Kate said...

We made bird seed bagels for our birds too..the bagels I tried to make did not turn out so nice as yours, so I gave them up to the
I have never purchased paper napkins.
We purchased 2 sets of cloth when we moved into our first apartment, and have never looked back.I have never made my own..I can't sew.