Monday, May 4, 2009

UU Homeschoolers Launch Newsletter

Tonight I'm putting in some props for my fellow homeschoolers over at UUhomeschoolers. After months of preparation and hard work our debut issue One World homeschool newsletter is finally launched. I am very proud to work with this amazing bunch of women (albeit virtual) and am honored to have been asked to be the Managing Editor of such wonderful undertaking. Check out my blog roll for the UU homeschoolers blog. There you will find a bunch of amazing blogs all written by Unitarian Universalists or those on a kindred path.
Peruse our first issue if you would like and let me know what you think. And if you are UU too please consider joining the amazing group of over 1000 other UU homeschoolers.

Click here for the announcement and introduction

or here to see the newsletter.

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