Monday, October 12, 2009

The Letter Tt

Kindergarten lessons this week included the letter Tt.

Tae worked on some math. I'm really not liking his Kumon Math book and we've mostly put it away. There is so much repetition in it Tae was bored to death. He does really well at math at can count and recognize numbers up to 40 and is even starting to tell time.
We've mostly been using counting bears and a math readiness book from School Zone.
One of the joys of homeschooling is that the kids can help one another in their studies.

Tae learned the nursery rhyme Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.
He really didn't like nursery rhymes at all last year but now that he is starting to read he thinks it's great fun to pick out the words he knows.

Each week he writes a sentence in his journal. This is his alphabet journal so he decides on some words for the letter of the week we are studying, writes the sentence (as he sees fit) and then draws the picture. This says, "I made tea." (I mad te.) Not to bad for sounding out words.

The counting bears are working so well for Tae. Five pink bears plus three blue bears equals eight bears total. From this I took all eight bears and took away four, took away three etc and he was able to figure out the math. Very cool.

Then he applied that to his workbook (did I mention this kid loves workbooks?)and figured out how many flowers he needed for each picture.

Counting Bears with bigger numbers. Which later turned into a counting bear army and they all started fighting and the yellow bears won.

Three kids in our sort of schoolroom which used to be my office.
Markers and crayons and counting bears and scissors oh my.

My little ham must be in every picture.

A blurry picture, a page in a workbook, some play, a page in a workbook, a snack, some coloring, 2 story books, a days with a five a year old.
Joyous because I love watching him learn.
Lots of fun stuff this coming week. Apple picking for the letter Aa, a farm field trip, and a church Hoedown this coming weekend.

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