Sunday, May 9, 2010

May Day

Late blog post. Hey at least it is still May.
We had our May Day Celebration at church on May 2nd.

We sang.
The kids blew bubbles during the service.
We sang.
The adults blew bubbles.

The children's choir sang.
Did I mention we sing alot?

Tae smiled.

And blew bubbles.

The singing went on for a long time.

Renee had to shore up the May pole.
The rocks didn't work.
We had to use canned goods from the giving pantry.
The canned goods worked just fine.

Rob and Lew sang.
And some of the kids played their air guitars.

We got right to the May Pole celebration...
right after the singing.
Renee untangled the ribbons.
The pole started to lean.
We needed more canned goods.
Larry explains how we call him Mr. Potato head because of the Cochlear Implants and the magnet in his head that makes them stick to his skull.

The May Pole starts to fall and my husband and
the Minister had to stand and hold it up.

That's the old Parish House in the background.
It will be torn down in July to make room for a bright, shiny, brand new building
that is environmentally green and handicap accessible.
I'm very excited.
The kids tried to figure out the weaving pattern.
The adults tried not to get woven in to the pole.
Then we sang.
The crowd watched.

Then dispersed for coffee.
But not before we sang.
Happy May Day!

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